Adult Healing Resources

In this section you will find a list of training organizations for assisting persons suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other symptoms caused by emotional abuse or emotional neglect resulting in relationship problems, psychological problems, learning problems and physical problems.

We assume, but cannot guarantee, that those listed on professional rosters meet our professional criteria for working with emotional or psychological trauma. Note that we categorize trauma as a developmental (early life) issue separate from stress related problems and requiring specialized training as described in the criteria below.

In offering a list of professional resources, we do not intend to imply that only professionals can be of help. Good friends, loved ones, close associates who care about us and are able to listen is a way that makes us “feel felt” as Daniel Siegel puts it, can also be enormously helpful-especially to young children.

Before beginning your search take a minute to read our professional criteria for listing on this site:

Criteria for professional listing on this site
Therapists who are listed here are expected to adhere to either (1) or (2) below:
1) Licensure as a mental health professional with at least two full years of specialized training in psychological/emotional trauma that includes:
• recognition of the role brain structure and function plays in affecting psychological trauma,
• recognition of the role somatic experience plays in healing all forms of emotional trauma,
• recognition of the interface between brain structure and function and the role of interactive relationship in providing complete healing for early-life relational/developmental trauma.
2) Non-licensed, but at least two full years of specialized training as above in psychological/emotional trauma and somatic psychotherapy (bodywork that addresses the mind/body connection) from Somatic Experiencing, Integrative Body Psychotherapy, Hakomi, or other well-established programs.

Remember, it is up to you, the mental health consumer, to question thoroughly and decide whether or not a professional satisfies your individual needs:

Ryzio Institute This public-benefit organization offers life-changing programs for adults. Marti Glenn, PhD, and Ken Bruer are co-founders of Ryzio Institute. This site is commercial but contains information about Somatic Experiencing and Peter Levine PhD. Dr Levine’s training focuses on single incident or shock trauma. The site contains a national listing of practitioners trained under the auspices of the Foundation for Human Enrichment This is the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) site. This site contains information about EMDR and its creator Dr. Francine Shapiro. It includes a search function to find an EMDR Trained Clinician..